05.4.2025 - 02.11.2025 Painting after Painting. Contemporary Painting in Belgium | S.M.A.K. Ghent (BE) With works by: Tina Gillen, Vincent Geyskens a.o.

Painting after Painting
Contemporary Painting in Belgium

Painting After Painting showcases the work of over seventy contemporary painters living and working in Belgium. Without striving for completeness, S.M.A.K. attempts to outline the recent developments and trends in the medium. Despite the many claims of its death, painting remains a thriving art form. Artists today draw on the motifs and techniques of the past, but equally explore and push the boundaries of the discipline. Some create narrative works addressing their daily lives, political and social issues, or questions of identity, gender and representation. Others adopt a more abstract or formalist language and explore the relationship with other contemporary image-making forms.  

Painting After Painting aims to celebrate the depth and complexity of the medium painting. The exhibition is complemented by a richly illustrated catalogue, featuring essays by Dominic van den Boogerd and Tanja Boon. Furthermore, S.M.A.K. will transform Room 1 into a painting studio throughout the exhibition period, offering visitors, including groups and schools, an opportunity to express their own artistic creativity. 

With works by: Michiel Ceulers, Shirley Villavicencio Pizango, Libasse Ka, Hadassah Emmerich, Tatjana Gerhard, Lysandre Begijn, Marie Zolamian, Veerle Beckers, Matthieu Ronsse, Bart Stolle, Sarah Smolders, Nelleke Cloosterman, Vedran Kopljar (& ouders), Bendt Eyckermans, Kati Heck, Charline Tyberghein, Antoine Goossens, Frederik Lizen, Bram Demunter, Nel Aerts, William Ludwig Lutgens, Carole Vanderlinden, Tina Gillen, Vincent Geyskens, Felix De Clercq, Dieter Durinck, Kristof Santy, Michaël Van den Abeele, Anastasia Bay, Lisa Vlaemminck, Emmanuelle Quertain, Carlotta Bailly-Borg, Jannis Marwitz, Victoria Palacios, Leen Voet, Monika Stricker, Anna Zacharoff, Gijs Milius, Luís Lázaro Matos, Che Go Eun, Hannah De Corte, Julien Saudubray, Sanam Khatibi, Nokukhanya Langa, Henrik Olai Kaarstein, Natasja Mabesoone, Julien Meert, Aurélie Gravas, Pieter Vermeersch, Jonas Dehnen, Anne Van Boxelaere, Thom Trojanowski, Samuel Hindolo, Charlotte Vandenbroucke, Loïc Van Zeebroek, Helmut Stallaerts, Adam Leech, Louise Delanghe, Brieuc Dufour, Yann Freichels, Anthony Ngoya, Nina Gross, Jérôme Degive & Manuel Falcata, Karel Thienpont, Koen van den Broek, Mae Dessauvage, Ben Sledsens, Melissa Gordon, Diego Herman, Joëlle Dubois, Pieter Jennes, Nelson Louis, Stijn Cole.  

Source: S.M.A.K. Press release

Jan Hoetplein 1, 9000 Ghent


Image credit:

Kati Heck, Zum Teufel, Positionen!, 2012. Oil on canvas, 120 x 120 cm. Tim Van Laere Collection, Antwerp. Courtesy Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp-Rome

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Painting after Painting. Contemporary Painting in Belgium | S.M.A.K. Ghent (BE)

