More information will follow.
Painting after Painting
Contemporary Painting in Belgium
Painting After Painting showcases the work of over seventy contemporary painters living and working in Belgium. Without striving for completeness, S.M.A.K. attempts to outline the recent developments and trends in the medium. Despite the many claims of its death, painting remains a thriving art form. Artists today draw on the motifs and techniques of the past, but equally explore and push the boundaries of the discipline. Some create narrative works addressing their daily lives, political and social issues, or questions of identity, gender and representation. Others adopt a more abstract or formalist language and explore the relationship with other contemporary image-making forms.
Painting After Painting aims to celebrate the depth and complexity of the medium painting. The exhibition is complemented by a richly illustrated catalogue, featuring essays by Dominic van den Boogerd and Tanja Boon. Furthermore, S.M.A.K. will transform Room 1 into a painting studio throughout the exhibition period, offering visitors, including groups and schools, an opportunity to express their own artistic creativity.
With works by: Michiel Ceulers, Shirley Villavicencio Pizango, Libasse Ka, Hadassah Emmerich, Tatjana Gerhard, Lysandre Begijn, Marie Zolamian, Veerle Beckers, Matthieu Ronsse, Bart Stolle, Sarah Smolders, Nelleke Cloosterman, Vedran Kopljar (& ouders), Bendt Eyckermans, Kati Heck, Charline Tyberghein, Antoine Goossens, Frederik Lizen, Bram Demunter, Nel Aerts, William Ludwig Lutgens, Carole Vanderlinden, Tina Gillen, Vincent Geyskens, Felix De Clercq, Dieter Durinck, Kristof Santy, Michaël Van den Abeele, Anastasia Bay, Lisa Vlaemminck, Emmanuelle Quertain, Carlotta Bailly-Borg, Jannis Marwitz, Victoria Palacios, Leen Voet, Monika Stricker, Anna Zacharoff, Gijs Milius, Luís Lázaro Matos, Che Go Eun, Hannah De Corte, Julien Saudubray, Sanam Khatibi, Nokukhanya Langa, Henrik Olai Kaarstein, Natasja Mabesoone, Julien Meert, Aurélie Gravas, Pieter Vermeersch, Jonas Dehnen, Anne Van Boxelaere, Thom Trojanowski, Samuel Hindolo, Charlotte Vandenbroucke, Loïc Van Zeebroek, Helmut Stallaerts, Adam Leech, Louise Delanghe, Brieuc Dufour, Yann Freichels, Anthony Ngoya, Nina Gross, Jérôme Degive & Manuel Falcata, Karel Thienpont, Koen van den Broek, Mae Dessauvage, Ben Sledsens, Melissa Gordon, Diego Herman, Joëlle Dubois, Pieter Jennes, Nelson Louis, Stijn Cole.
Source: S.M.A.K. Press release
Jan Hoetplein 1, 9000 Ghent
Image credit:
Kati Heck, Zum Teufel, Positionen!, 2012. Oil on canvas, 120 x 120 cm. Tim Van Laere Collection, Antwerp. Courtesy Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp-Rome
More information will follow.
Opening: Friday, 14th February 2025 at 19:00
in the presence of the artist
Curated by Gertrud Peters
Melanie Loureiro, exhibition view, The Interconnectedness of Creatures, KIT – Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf, 2025. Photo : © Ivo Faber
In the framework of the group exhibition "About Epic Myths", Nosbaum Reding is glad to invite you to the following event, a proposal by and in the presence of Xavier Mary, accompanied by Brenda Guesnet:
17:00 : Film Conan the Barbarian by John Milius (1982)
19:30 : Talk Do you wanna live forever with Brenda Guesnet, curator and deputy director of IKOB and the artist Xavier Mary (born 1982 in Liège, lives and works in Brussels)
Following a screening of the 1982 cult film Conan the Barbarian, artist Xavier Mary and curator Brenda Guesnet discuss cinematic myth-making and the industrial realities of Liège, Mary's hometown. They will explore how steel drives the narrative and philosophy of the film and how this resonates with the rise and decline of Liège's metal industry -- intersecting stories that inspire the core of Mary's artistic practice.
Location :
Nosbaum Reding | Bruxelles
Rue de la Concorde, 60
1050 Brussels
About Brenda Guesnet:
Brenda Guesnet (b. 1993, Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany) is a curator with an institutional and an independent practice. She is based in Brussels, Belgium.
Since 2021, she is working as Curator and Deputy Director of IKOB – Museum für Zeitgenössiche Kunst in Eupen, in the German-speaking community of Belgium. At IKOB, she has curated solo exhibitions by Arthur Cordier, CMMC, Kristina Benjocki, Marcin Dudek, Veronika Eberhart, Francis Feidler, Helen Anna Flanagan, Alexandra Tretter, among others, as well as the group exhibitions “Eat the Rainbow”, “All our Yesterdays”, and the “IKOB – Feminist Art Prize”. She also curates and coordinates the museum's public and educational programmes, and produces the podcast ‘apropos'.
Brenda Guesnet has been realising independent curatorial projects since 2015, often as part of the collective ANGL. She is co-founder of celador, an independent space in Brussels. Recent independent projects include “The Fountain Show” at Kunsthal Mechelen, “Open M | Hidden in Plain Sight” at M Leuven and “garage” at celador. From 2025, she is the curator for Liebaert Projects, a private foundation for contemporary art in Kortrijk, Belgium.
Brenda Guesnet previously worked in the Artist Liaison department at White Cube (2017-2020) and as a curatorial assistant at Tenderpixel Gallery (2016-17), both in London, after completing an MFA in Curating at Goldsmiths, University of London (2015-17).
Text © Brenda Guesnet
Image: Xavier Mary, Group exhibition view, About Epic Myths, Nosbaum Reding Bruxelles, Brussels, 2024-2025. Photo: © Audrey Jonchères
Nosbaum Reding
Booth B125
BRAFA Art Fair – Brussels Expo
(Hall 3)
Place de Belgique 1
B-1020 Brussels
26 January - 2 February 2025
With a selection of works by:
Karel Appel
Stephan Balkenhol
Stefaan De Croock
Damien Deroubaix
Günther Förg
JKB Fletcher
Alexandra Leyre Mein
Manuel Ocampo
Assan Smati
Jean-Luc Tartarin
Liliane Vertessen
Denyse Willem
Photo: Booth view, Nosbaum Reding, BRAFA, Brussels, 2025
Vous êtes cordialement invité(e) à la présentation du nouveau livre Stadtrand de Yann Tonnar.
Dimanche 1er décembre 2024 à 16:00
À la galerie
Nosbaum Reding | Luxembourg
4 rue Wiltheim
L-2733 Luxembourg
En présence de Yann Tonnar, qui partagera son travail et répondra à vos questions.
Nous serions ravis de vous y accueillir !
Yann Tonnar, Stadtrand
éd. Manufactura Pictures, Luxembourg, 2024
132 pages, 89 photos
Textes bilingues allemand / anglais : Hans Fellner, Martin Uhrmacher
Graphisme : Laurent Daubach
Avec le soutien de la Ville de Luxembourg et du Ministère de la Culture (Luxembourg)
Prix de vente: 39 €
Le livre est disponible à la galerie Nosbaum Reding, en librairie ou par envoi postal en s'adressant à
Nosbaum Reding is pleased to participate in the 10th edition of Luxembourg Art Week with a selection of wonderful artworks.
Stand: B15
Opening Days and Hours:
Thursday 21 November 2024
VIP & Pro Day, 12:00–18:00 (by invitation only)
Preview, 18:00–22:00 (by invitation only)
Friday 22 November 2024
Public hours, 12:00–18:00
Nocturne, 18:00–22:00
Saturday 23 November 2024
Public hours, 10:30–19:00
Sunday 24 November 2024
Public hours, 10:30–18:00
Photo: © Sophie Margue
Dans le cadre de Les Fêtes de la Saint-Martin à Tourinnes-La-Grosse (BE)
Exposition collective
Commissaire : Klaus Verscheure
Exposition accessible chaque samedi et dimanche, de 13h à 18h, du 10 novembre au 1er décembre 2024.
Image: Tina Gillen, Dune, 2022, acrylique sur toile, 270 x 380 cm, Courtesy l'artiste & Nosbaum Reding
DISKUS & Nosbaum Reding
cordially invite you to the opening of a solo exhibition by
Manuel Ocampo on Saturday 9th November
at 17:00 at DISKUS in Aalst,
in the presence of the artist.
Exhibition from 09.11.2024 to 15.12.2024
Location :
Diepestraat 46
9300 Aalst, Belgium
Open Saturday & Sunday 14:00-18:00
Image: Manuel Ocampo, Exhibition view, DISKUS, Aalst, 2024
Nina Tomàs. Artiste invitée dans le cadre des 40 ans du Prix Médiatine.
MILL – Musée Ianchelevici
Place communale 21
7100 La Louvière
Nosbaum Reding is pleased to participate in AKAA - Also Known As Africa | Art & design fair in Paris with a selection of artworks by
Ange-Frédéric Koffi
Hadassa Ngamba
Barthélémy Toguo
Fatiha Zemmouri
Booth: B7
Carreau du Temple
4 rue Eugène Spuller
75003 Paris
Friday 18 October 2024, 12:00 – 20:00
Saturday 19 October 2024, 12:00 – 20:00
Sunday 20 October 2024, 12:00 – 18:00
Photo: Booth Nosbaum Reding, AKAA - Also Known As Africa | Art & design fair, Paris, 2024
Voisinage et amitié artistiques : dialogue entre Damien Deroubaix & Barthélémy Toguo à la BnF
Vendredi 18 octobre 2024 de 18h30 à 20h
INHA – Galerie Colbert, auditorium Jacqueline Lichtenstein
2, rue Vivienne
75002 Paris
Entrée gratuite sur réservation en ligne
Photos: Nosbaum Reding
Commissariat de l'exposition:
Cécile Pocheau-Lesteven, conservateur en chef au département des Estampes et de la photographie, BnF
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Richelieu – Galerie Mansart - galerie Pigott
5, rue Vivienne
75002 Paris